Monday, February 26, 2007

Saturday, February 24, 2007


what i am planning to do is to take a snapshot of the sunset in which manila, Philippines is known for. too bad my attention was distracted by Duncan, an Australian dude who has features to die for. (just like Mr amateur hunk..but much better lol) his nose alone is a main course already, what more what he packed in between his legs. he arrived Thursday and stayed too much in the sun skin diving thus burning his back. and before i knew, the sun already settled behind the curvaceous mountain region. oh well at least i have Duncan, the surfer dude next to me. i almost blurted out loud "can i take a pic of you in nude?" good thing i can still control my mouth.


i just graduated recently. yup that's right, graduated. finally now i am a certified diver. after all the pool sessions and hours of class lectures, we all head to anilao, batangas for our graduation dive. it was an overnight trip but really a long drive to the site. me and my 'classmates' left around 4am and rached the resort around 8am. day one, i had 2 dives - more like to practice the skills i acquired in the pool sessions. kinda weird to be in the water without a tiled floor, dept varying from 15ft to 45ft.
I had a hard time neutralizing so i have to abort. suckling in one area of the resort, i settled in taking pictures. not so sure if i have the artist in me during that time but a few of my friends says they are really nice.
food was great! seafood is in abundance and i just love the prawns. yum yum yum forget the diet, promise once i get the chance to work out - i will sweat out all these calories.

Friday, February 16, 2007

such a turn on

i am a regular follower of amateur hunk ever since i discovered his site. and to make sure i would remember i even included him in my favorites. he is the typical dude every gay guy would be dreaming to be with. smart, professional, well rounded and did i mentioned he has a body to die for? i am guilty and i confess - i am very much smitten. this hot dude blog is really H-O-T and honestly i always get a hard on when reading and looking at his pics. times like this, i wished i worked out diligently in the gym so i could ask this guy anyways i would like to share his site so you would know how i feel.
sigh if only i can lick his bod. he has this mysteriousness that one cannot comprehend. i spent countless of tissues rolls and lube and I'm sure you'll do the same. lol
i have his site name in my links. check out amateur hunk


this is something i love to see every waking hour. i just love guys with cuts. too bad you seldom err rarely see one now. sigh. hmm i can stare the whole day at this vision..i hope there's one out there willing to make me watch.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007


Happy Hearts Day!

imperfections are important..just as mistakes are.
you only get to be good by learning from mistakes..
..and you get to be real by being imperfect.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007


i love sleep .. it is the only time i float in nothingness.
no sadness to consume me..
no happiness to overwhelm me..
no fears to overcome..
no norms to conform to..
a place where time is just waiting to happen..
a place where time is nothing but a concept..
reality is bent..
and will is just waiting to happen..
a place where everything is twisted..
and i am okay with that.

Thursday, February 8, 2007


what is the secret of success? - right decisions.
how do you make right decisions? - experiences.
how do you get experiences? - wrong decisions.

how funny how life evolve around things. *sigh*

Monday, February 5, 2007


i enrolled myself in a diving class that promise that I can be a certified diver in 2 weeks. yesterday, it was day 3 and it is also my 1st pool session. How nice to be under water..swimming and breathing. I feel like a fish hahaha.
The wetsuit doesn't flatter much my shape, it showed all my flaws. Guess I really have to hit the gym soon. I hope anyone/ someone, force me to hit back the gym..any takers?


Sometimes in life, you find a special friend; Someone who changes your life just by being part of it. Someone who makes you laugh until you can't stop; Someone who makes you believe that there really is good in the world. Someone who convinces you that there really is an unlocked door just waiting for you to open it.

Friday, February 2, 2007

skin deep

i pity the people who don't appreciate the real beauty of aging. Its not the skin nor age, its not how young you look - its how you deal with the process of being mature and being beautiful in day to day. it is important to tell oneself, i am beautiful in my own way. beauty is not defined by the physical aspect but i may say, it is more of the the inner being and being you. that i think is the essense, meaning and substance of the word mature.

Thursday, February 1, 2007


the sun warms your body, but the rain cleanses the spirit;
the light shows you the way, but darkness shows you the stars;
happiness enlarges your heart, yet sadness opens your soul;
living a life all depends on the way you look at things.