Saturday, February 24, 2007


i just graduated recently. yup that's right, graduated. finally now i am a certified diver. after all the pool sessions and hours of class lectures, we all head to anilao, batangas for our graduation dive. it was an overnight trip but really a long drive to the site. me and my 'classmates' left around 4am and rached the resort around 8am. day one, i had 2 dives - more like to practice the skills i acquired in the pool sessions. kinda weird to be in the water without a tiled floor, dept varying from 15ft to 45ft.
I had a hard time neutralizing so i have to abort. suckling in one area of the resort, i settled in taking pictures. not so sure if i have the artist in me during that time but a few of my friends says they are really nice.
food was great! seafood is in abundance and i just love the prawns. yum yum yum forget the diet, promise once i get the chance to work out - i will sweat out all these calories.

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