Tuesday, April 7, 2009

hard on

guys for men is now planet romeo. hmm I'm still adjusting to the new layout but i know given a few more weeks - i can hack this. anyways, i am logged in during the day and a few 'gays' in my area would often leave messages of 'hi' and 'hello' and 'what have you' messages just to attract your attention and your 'dick' lol. one in particular is this guy - he sent me a link to check his pics in friendster. like hello?! damn these people...anyways as ever curious, i checked his site and my oh my...he is cute. he caught my attention when he left messages like 'anyone free? I'm alone in my place' kinda of a thing. jeez talk about raging hard on...heehaws

trying not to be choosy so i entertained his messages - but when he starts demanding that i go to his place brought me back in my senses. duh! i may not be a hunk or mr so-so (funny he was awarded mr name of his area) but no one can push me like that...as if his cock is made of gold and everyone is dying to get a hold of it..

long story cut short, i would delete all his arriving sms then until finally i received the latest one...saying, 'don't text me, i am not interested' hahahaha i almost peed in my pants. dude get hold of yourself. it was me on the first place dont want you...learn to accept rejection OK?

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