Sunday, January 21, 2007

all over again

In our gay world, we need to set a standard and this translates to getting to know what type of gay man you're dealing with before asking him out. Does your prospect's personality match up with yours? What kind of gay man are you? Or better yet, what kind of gay man do you want to be with? If you've fallen head over heels for a guy you had a date with, met online or in any other situation, just be patient! Take your time getting to know him. Be sure not to panic if he doesn't call you on a daily basis or if you two aren't picking out china patterns after a week of romance. If you guys hit it off, chances are he's into you as much as you are into him, but any potential relationship will be much better off if you take it slow and get to know him. First impressions are great, but you can only get to know a person well after spending time with them. Who knows, he may turn out not to be the person you thought he was. On the other hand, he might just be the man of your dreams. Only time will tell. Patience is one of the hardest things to learn in life, especially while building relationships. It's known that gay relationships mature at an accelerated rate, often much faster than relationships between straight couples. Nonetheless, one thing heteros and homos have in common is the time it takes to find the right mate. Healing your heart impossible it may seem, To mend a broken heart... so many pieces to recover.. so many memories torn apart... I don’t know where to begin... or even how to describe... this feeling I have... that’s etched deep inside... there are so many things I want to give you ... so many things I want you to see... so many things I want you to feel, as I sit here patiently... patiently waiting ... for the right time to come... where your heart beats for me... and two hearts beat as one... so, with every flower I give you... and every letter I write... a new piece of your heart is unveiled... for me to hold tight... with every tear you shed... as I kiss them away... another distant memory... just faded away... as we hold hands together... and have those late night talks.. your heart will become one... and love’s journey, again, you shall walk.

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