Monday, January 22, 2007

phone gadgets

what is the best phone in the market? a lot would say different models and brands but i would say the best one will be the phone that's served its purpose-to call and be called. its been more than two years since i have been using my xda o2 mini and so far i am very much contented with it. i may have lost more than a dozen of styluses but what the heck, i just love this phone.
don't you ever notice that in the event of asking phone numbers from that hunk guy you've bumped into a coffee shop or that executive that you've smiled at inside the sauna or even that server in your favorite restaurant - will more often stare at your gadget while dictating those precious digits. Ive heard of stories from my friends that they sometimes get shy asking for numbers because of the phone they are using. wtf?! dude, its not the phone that will give that person the unforgettable night experience but YOU.
its hard to be gay in this metro. one needs to pamper and beautify oneself to be marketable, countless sit ups and weights lifting will serve as spotlights to those looking, work hard to bring home a decent pay to maintain that weekly (in my case, monthly) fashion allowance. maintenance to be seen on the right places and be seen with the right people.
its a good thing i am with my friends who don't care what i am wearing or eating or how i look or where we meet up for convergence. which boils down back to my long as you have the right phone-true friends are just a sms or ring away.

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